Sistem Certification Training LLC.



How Do I Get a HALAL Certificate?
• Receiving the application and signing the contract (FR-SP-02 Certification Agreement),
• Planning the audit (PRS-11 audit planning procedure),
• Performing the audit (PRS-05 system certification procedure),
Certification committee decision,
• Publishing the certificate.

The basic approach in halal certification is the implementation of good hygiene and production and service in accordance with Islamic procedures. Different approaches are used in halal certification both in our country and around the world. The common feature of all of them is that halal certification is maintained as non-accredited certification.

SISBEL halal certification is carried out on the basis of ISO 22000, by checking compliance with Islamic procedures. Halal audits are carried out by an ISO 22000 auditor appointed in the audited area and an expert from the faculty of theology in the relevant field. In order to ensure the impartiality of certification, a committee member is kept in the certification committee, apart from the expert participating in the audit, and academicians from the faculty of theology.

HALAL certification audit days are determined based on ISO 22000 audit days. If the organization has ISO 22000 certificate, a discount is made from the number of inspection days.
Document validity period is three years and continuity is observed once a year with surveillance audits.

HALAL certification benefits
-Competitive advantage,
-Image increase.

Certificate Validity Period: 3 Years
Audit Period: At least every 12 months.